Weymann Style 2 Orchestra Tenor Banjo (1925)
Weymann banjos were built by H. Weymann and Sons, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Originally produced with the name ‘Keystone’ in early 1900, in 1924 the Weymann name appeared and was used until 1934. Weymann instruments are known for high-quality construction and unique features.
This Weymann Style 2, 19 fret tenor banjo shows off several of the key Weymann features. First, the tiger maple resonator is press-fit, and doesn’t use screws to attach; this is to reduce rattling. The Weymann Patented Tone Resonator for the Orchestra banjo Style 2 is made with a curve instead of the usual sharp corner which throws the sound waves forward greatly increasing the carrying power for the player. It is fastened to the rim by felt covered spring clamps which eliminate objectionable vibrations found in screw or metal catch fastenings found on other banjos.
The outer edge of the resonator is rounded, which helps project the sound. The ‘Megaphonic’ rim is composed of ten laminated layers with a
conical interior, and all the brackets pass through it so the inner and outer surfaces are smooth. All brackets are encased and countersunk so the outer surface is perfectly smooth. The neck and the distance between the fingerboard and strings is fully adjustable to suit the player through the use of the combination neck brace and adjuster by a simple turn of the nut in the center of the brace. The neck is seven-piece laminated figured maple reinforced with ebony veneer through the center and additional reinforcement of wood veneer (red died pearwood) between the neck and finger board.with the bound fingerboard inlaid with fancy shaped pearl pieces. The headstock overlay carries a “Weymann” logo of inlaid pearl letters with an elaborate floral design, and mounts the company’s patented recessed geared tuning pegs all in perfect working order.
Rim is also made of beautiful figured tiger maple, upper edge and bottom bound with rosewood. There is a natural ebony armrest mounted to the hoop, another stylish unique Weymann feature. The top tension hoop is inlaid with non-tarnishable silver flash compound. Notched hoop, twenty brackets, all metal parts nickel plated.
The Weymann Style 2 Orchestra Model is a very well built professional level instrument. It plays well, has a nice feel to the neck for playing trad or jazz style and has a distinctive bright, vintage tone. All original and complete, set up with a new 5 Star mylar head and new bridge and nickel strings. Comes with original Weymann hard shell case with green velvet lining.
For Sale: £1150